
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gary Jules - Mad World

Det er sgu så dejligt et nummer.
Specielt i Gary Jules version.
Et gammelt Tears For Fears nummer. Gary Jules version er også med i Donnie Darko...

Shy Child - Drop The Phone

Videoen er ikke det vilde, men nummeret er da shait!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Goose - Low Mode!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Gossip: "SITWOC"

"...............the Gossip’s “SITWOC” was used in a commercial for a new UK TV show called Skins. Wow, After watching that I suddenly feel very, very old. Of course we’ll get our own American version of Skins in about three years: I’m sure it’ll be on NBC, minus the drugs and sex. AND it’s guaranteed to be set in a coffee shop and have a non-stop laugh track throughout the entire show… and they’ll probably cast 30 year olds to play 16 year old virgins. But anyway........"
The Latest Extended Party Trailer

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